Friday, December 27, 2019

Descriptive Essay My Relief - 1504 Words

To my relief, they return to their conversation in Italian, liberating me from further embarrassment. I ve never been one to comfortably receive or accept compliments, and that s not about to change anytime soon. To entertain myself for the duration of their private discussion, I engage silently into other people’s conversations and interactions. After observing Clyde flirt with girl after girl at the bar, all the while, Derrick watches with envious eyes, I draw my attention to Mary, who stands in the corner having a ‘break’ with her tongue down some guy’s throat. Nice Mary. I avert my eyes in disgust. A new couple enters the club gaining all my attention. Though their faces are hidden, their demeanour speaks to me, reminding me of a†¦show more content†¦I take deep, relieving breaths, convincing my body to relax. â€Å"It s not them,† I say as I turn away from them to rest my head against Angelo s chest. â€Å"Even so, look how they re dressed, I don’t want them in here. Frankie, go deal with them.† Once Frankie departs, all the energy I previously stored, melts away, causing my body to sway. I m grateful Angelo holds me in his arms, supporting me. Consequently, his arms tighten as he cradles me. â€Å"Want to tell me who you thought they were?† he asks. â€Å"No.† â€Å"Want to sit down?† â€Å"Yes, please.† With me nestled within his arms, he leads me to his usual table. Only then does he release me long enough for us to slide onto the sofa. After sealing the gap between us, he slides his arm around my shoulders to envelope me in his embrace. A warmth radiates through my body as I begin to relax; I know he will protect me. â€Å"Want a drink?† he asks, shifting in his seat. I reach out to clasp hold of his arm. â€Å"Wait, please don t go. Not yet.† â€Å"They really shook you up, didn t they?† I refuse to answer, but keep my fearful stare trained on him. He draws me in tighter, wrapping his other arm around me like a protective shield, allowing me to rest my head against his chest and listen to his rhythmic heartbeat. Alice said, Angelo doesn t care for women s feelings, yet he cares for mine right now.Show MoreRelatedThe Task Of Composing A Descriptive Essay1310 Words   |  6 PagesRecently, my Composition I teacher assigned the class the task of composing a descriptive essay. This led me to the question, â€Å"what is a descriptive essay?† What topic could I possible write about for three whole pages? What have I done, seen, or experience that could fill these three long pages? My life thus far has been quite sheltered, so this has created quite the dilemma for me. Being that I am supposed to be descriptive, I feel the need to describe the stress that this has created for me. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Book Review of Jim Collins Good to Great - 2143 Words

Introduction The book of Collins (2001) entitled Good to Great became one of the best seller not because of the attractiveness written in it but because of its ability to inspire the people through reminding them on how to struggle against the tendencies and aid the individuals in setting a higher standard toward greatness. The author manages to show the different sides of philosophical sides which also attracted a lot of criticisms that tend to examine the significant implications of the book in determining the future of an organization. The impression that the book received is derived n particular about the authors idea about the leadership and the position of the organizations within the industry and the greatness of an organization in the midst of competitive environment. Despite of the number of criticism it received, there still a good point that the book delivers for its readers. This paper intended to develop an argumentative research regarding the teachings of Collins book Good to Great. In order to recapitulate the ideas involved in the research, there are objectives that need to consider. First, is to examine the philosophical assumptions involved and underpin with the research and methodology established in the book of Collins. Second is to explain the practical significance of the assumptions and their effect on the researchs applicability. Third is to relate the assumptions and research methodology to the readings, including different observations onShow MoreRelatedReview: Good to Great Essay1031 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: Good to Great Book Review | In partial fulfillment for the requirement for DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND COUNSELING BY TIFFANY TURNER-BANKS 11/12/2011 â€Æ' â€Æ' Jim Collins and his research team have done a wonderful job identifying what it takes for a company to go from good to great. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

HR Planning Workplace Diversity

Question: Describe about the Article of HR Planning for Workplace Diversity. Answer: In the present era of globalization, one would find a diverse range of people belonging to a different race, culture, and country. Diversity in the workplace is advantageous as it develops new and innovative ideas. A diverse ethnic group would enhance economic growth. Like minded people are bound to produce the same kind of ideas. Different kind of ideas would improve learning of the employees, increase performance, and create a platform for continual growth and improvement. It increases flexibility in the workplace and enhances the quality of problem solving abilities. A strategic plan to manage diversity may increase profits and lower the operating cost of an organization. However, managers must be aware of the cultural differences for it can become a sensitive issue if not handled properly (Canas Sondak 2013). Human resource managers can create a more balanced and diverse workforce through an effective strategic plan. The first step is to define diversity and create a plan based on core values such as integrity, credibility, personal renewal and continuous improvement. The goals and objectives of a plan must be clear and well defined. This can be achieved through a comprehensive education and training and social audit. It is imperative to create a strong foundation, build a stable internal and external structure and measure the progress and results of the employees. Emphasis must be laid on developing intercultural and interpersonal communication skills to ensure effective working of an ethnically and culturally diverse group (Patrick Kumar 2012). References Canas, K., Sondak, H. (2013).Opportunities and challenges of workplace diversity. Pearson Higher Ed. Patrick, H. A., Kumar, V. R. (2012). Managing Workplace Diversity.Sage Open,2(2), 2158244012444615.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Demerara Slave Revolt Essay Essay Example

The Demerara Slave Revolt Essay Essay The 1823 slave revolt in Demarara. Guyana. started on a sugar plantation called â€Å"Plantation Success†- on the east seashore of the settlement on August 23. It spread throughout the nearby country to affect slaves from at least 55 plantations. In entire. around 10 thousand of the about 75 thousand slaves who lived in the settlement rose in violent rebellion against their oppressors. The rebellion would hold been even larger. nevertheless. had the slaves succeeded in their end of distributing the rebellion to the western portion of the settlement. As it was. the rebellion still alarmed the local plantation owners sufficiently to react rapidly. and with utmost force. Using both army units and local reserves. the plantation owners and colonial functionaries killed several hundred of the arising slaves. and imprisoned 100s more to stand test and face executing. Within yearss. the rebellion had been put down. Two elements made the Demerara Revolt instead unusual. First. it mostly consisted of. and was chiefly led by Creole slaves. This upset the traditional British impression that although the wilder African-born slaves might revolt. the Creole slaves were more docile and accepting of their destiny. We will write a custom essay sample on The Demerara Slave Revolt Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Demerara Slave Revolt Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Demerara Slave Revolt Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This was a rough challenge to any semblance of bondage as a civilizing system. In a universe in which the plantation owners had already seen the abolishment of the slave trade. and in which they could see the abolishment of bondage itself looming in the foreseeable hereafter. it was peculiarly unsettling. Besides fazing was the function played by antislavery groups from England. The unconformist evangelical motion was peculiarly involved in seeking to stop bondage wholly. From at least as early 1808. The London Missionary Society had sent missionaries to Demerara to prophesy and learn among the slaves of the settlement. Planter sentiment was ambivalent. Some thought that faith may assist maintain the slaves in cheque. Other saw the missionaries as unsafe spirit wakers. One missional – John Wray – was expelled from the settlement once it became known that he had been learning the slaves to read. Another missional – John Smith – replaced him. Besides back uping the slaves and contending for their cause. Smith kept keeping church for the slaves. He besides fought against planters’ efforts at maintaining their slaves from holding Sundays away and from go toing church. In the terminal. the battle for the slaves’ rights to hold Sundays off became a cardinal issue in the slaves’ grudges that led to the rebellion. Making usage of spiritual meetings to besides discourse political ideas and plan the rebellion. the slaves created a nexus between the missionaries and the rebellion that the missionaries may non hold been cognizant of. Historians tend to propose that Smith was unknowing. The plantation owners had a different position. In the wake of the rebellion. they arrested Smith and had him sentenced to decease by hanging for his function in the rebellion. Before his sentence could be carried out. nevertheless. Smith died in prison. The decease of 1000s of slaves. and of the white curate John Smith led to blatant reactions in England. People felt that the rebellion and its wake revealed the brutal and inhumane behaviour of the plantation owners. This helped beef up the anti-slavery motion in England. as statements of plantation owner savageness were subsequently used to back up the 1833 Parliamentary opinion to stop bondage in the British Caribbean. The Demarara Revolt hence highlights the of import functions played by both the slaves and the emancipationist groups in England in conveying about the abolishment of bondage in the British West Indies. In England. some administrations were established to run for the abolishment of bondage in the British settlements. In April 1823 a gesture was presented in the House of Commons naming for a gradual abolishment of bondage in all British settlements. but it was defeated because the bulk felt that abolishment of bondage would go forth the plantation owners without a labour force. Alternatively. steps to better the status of slaves were adopted. These ordered that female slaves should non be whipped as penalty and drivers should non transport whips in the field. These new betterment regulations were sent in a missive to all Governors of British settlements. Governor John Murray intentionally delayed its promotion. He received the missive on 23 June 1823 and waited until 2 July to show it to the Court of Policy. pressing the members. who were all slave proprietors. non to move on it instantly. It was non until 7 August the Court of Policy passed the needed declarations to follow the betterment regulations. While the betterment regulations were expecting acceptance in the Court of Policy. house slaves overheard their Masterss discoursing them. Not to the full understanding the deductions of the new regulations. they felt that the plantation owners had received instructions to put the slaves free but were declining to make so. This rumor was passed on to other slaves. One of these slaves. Jack Gladstone. heard the rumor from a slave owned by the Governor. and he wrote a missive to the members of Bethel Chapel informing them of the affair and signed his father’s name on it. His male parent was Quamina. a senior deacon of Bethel Chapel. On 25 July. Quamina. on acquisition of the affair. approached Rev. John Smith and informed him that the King of England had granted freedom to the slaves but it was being withheld. Smith said that he had non heard of any such order and added that he had heard that the British Government wanted to do ordinances to better the state of affairs impacting the slaves. but non to put them free. Quamina was non satisfied with what he heard and seemingly reported to the other slaves. some of whom began to do readyings to prehend their freedom which they felt was being intentionally kept off from them. The slaves in East Demerara were convinced that the Governor and their Masterss were keep backing their freedom from them and many of them felt they had no other option than to lift up against those who were non transporting out the King’s orders. On the forenoon of Sunday 17 August 1823 slaves at Mahaica met together at Plantation Success and three of them. Jack Gladstone. a Cooper on that plantation. Joseph Packwood and Manuel. assumed some sort of leading of the group. All of them began to be after an uprising. but Gladstone’s father. Quamina. who arrived at the meeting subsequently. objected to any bloody rebellion and suggested that the slaves should travel on work stoppage. When person asked if they should acquire guns to protect themselves. Quamina. a senior deacon at Rev. John Smith’s church. said he would hold to seek the advice of the missional on this affair. Quamina departed for Bethel Chapel at Le Ressouvenir. and after the Sunday service. he and two other slaves. Manuel and Seaton. went to Smith’s place. There they told the priest that the directors of the plantation should travel to Georgetown to â€Å"fetch up the New Law† . Smith rebuked them and advised them against talking to any of the directors about this. stating if they did so they would arouse the Governor. He begged them to wait until the Governor and their Masterss tell them about the new ordinances. When Quamina told Smith of the uprising being planned. the priest asked them to state the other slaves. peculiarly the Christians. non to arise. Quamina promised to obey Smith and he sent his two comrades to press other slaves non to arise. He besides told Smith he would direct a message in the eventide to the Mahaica slaves non to lift up against their Masterss. But despite Quamina’s attempts. the slaves were determined to arise from the following eventide. Their program was to prehend all guns on the plantations. lock up the White persons during the dark and so direct them to the Governor on the undermentioned forenoon to convey the â€Å"New Law† . Quamina urged them non to be violent in the procedure. But on the forenoon of Monday 18 August. the program was betrayed by Joseph Packwood. a house slave. who told his maestro about it. The plantation proprietor. Simpson. instantly gave this information to Governor Murray who with a group of soldiers rode up to the country of Le Ressouvenir and La Bonne Intention where he met a big group of armed Africans on the route. He asked them what they wanted and they replied. â€Å"Our right. † He so ordered them to give up their arms. and after they refused. he warned that their noncompliance would do them to lose whatever new benefits the new ordinances intended to give to them. Murray told them to travel place and to run into with him at Plantation Felicity the following forenoon. But the slaves refused this invitation and the Governor later that twenty-four hours proclaimed soldierly jurisprudence. It was really late that afternoon when Rev. John Smith foremost heard of the rebellion. In a note to his source. Jackey Reed. a slave who attended his church. he stated that hasty. violent steps were contrary to Christianity and begged Reed non to take part in the rebellion. Shortly after. while Smith and his married woman were walking on the plantation. they saw a big group of noisy African slaves outside the place of Hamilton. the director of Le Ressouvenir. Smith begged them non to harm Hamilton. but they told him to travel place. That dark the slaves seized and locked up White directors and superintendents on many plantations in East Demerara. There was really small force since the slaves seemingly heeded the petition made by Quamina. The Whites of course were really terrified and they feared they would be killed. But the slaves who were chiefly Christians did non desire to lose their spiritual character and they proclaimed that their action was a work stoppage and non a rebellion. The following twenty-four hours an Anglican priest. Wilthsire Austin. suggested to Governor Murray that he and Smith should be allowed to run into with the slaves to press them to return to work. But the Governor refused this to accept this suggestion. On Wednesday 20 August. the state of affairs took a unusual bend when Smith was arrested and charged for promoting the slaves to arise. The charges besides claimed that he conspired with Quamina and that he failed to inform the Governor of the planned rebellion. Out of an estimated 74. 000 slaves in the united Colony of Essequibo-Demerara about 13. 000 took portion in the rebellion. And out of the 350 estates in the Colony. merely about 37 were involved. No uncertainty. many who did non take portion sympathised with the Rebels and shared their intuition that the plantation owners would save no attempts to forestall them from obtaining their freedom. The rebellion collapsed really rapidly since the slaves. despite being armed. were ill organised. A group of soldiers commanded by Colonel Leahy clashed with about 2. 000 African slaves at Bachelor’s Adventure and viciously crushed them and more than 250 were killed. Some who escaped were hunted down by Amerindian slave-catchers and shooting. Quamina himself was shot dead by Amerindian slave-catchers in the backlands of Chateau Margot and his organic structure was subsequently publically hanged. Jack Gladstone was subsequently arrested and besides hanged. Because Rev. Smith was close to the leaders of the rebellion. he was arrested and charged for holding cognition that the slaves would arise and for non informing the governments. His apprehension which was encouraged by many of the plantation owners was seen as an act of retaliation against the priest for prophesying to the slaves. Smith denied the charge but he was imprisoned for seven hebdomads in Colony House before being tried by a tribunal Martial. He was found guilty and sentenced to be hanged. He appealed to the British Government which later ordered a commuting of the decease sentence and that he should be set free. However. while expecting the consequences of his entreaty to get from England. he died from pneumonia in his prison. The information that he was acquitted arrived in Georgetown after his funeral.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Memorable Day in My Life. Essay Essays

A Memorable Day in My Life. Essay Essays A Memorable Day in My Life. Essay Essay A Memorable Day in My Life. Essay Essay A memorable day in my life Life is full of various events and experiences. But all of these are not equally important, enjoyable and memorable. Some are memorable. I am a student. There are some memorable days and they remain evergreen in my heart. My first day at school is such a day. It was the month of January, 2007. I was then only six years old. My father proposed that I should be admitted into a school in class one the next day. I felt very excited. I could not think of anything else. I was always thinking about the school, the teachers as I watched on the TV. I could not even sleep well that night. The next morning my mother woke me early in the morning. She washed me very well, combed my hair and dressed in new clothes. Then I had breakfast and started for the school with my father. He took me to the nearest NHF Primary School of our locality at 9. 30 am. The school was not very far from our home. So we walk all the way. It took us half an hour to reach the school. When I stepped inside the school compound with my father I was somewhat afraid. I saw many students on the school campus. Some were playing; some were talking to each other. Finding me in a new environment my heart began to beat. At first my father took me to the headmaster’s room and requested him to admit me in class one. At first I felt a bit nervous and shy. But his smiling face and gentle eyes put me at ease. He asked me my name and I answered him. Then he pointed me a letter chart and asked me to say some letters. I could say them all because my mother taught me them at home. Then he became very pleased with me and admitted me in class one. Then he called Ms Fatema, the class teacher of class one to take me to the class. She welcomed me and took me to the class and gave me a seat. All the students in the class were staring at me. I felt a bit nervous once again to see the new faces. But soon I became very easy. The class lasted 35 minutes I had four other periods with a break of 30 minutes. I found that all my teachers were careful, friendly and helpful. At the leisure period all of my classmates started playing in the field. I felt very lonely and was loitering here and there. Then they invited me to join them. I started playing. I felt myself like a free bird flying in the open sky. My school broke up at 12 pm. My mother was at the gate to receive me. I leapt into her arms. She kissed me and caught me at her arms. Thus I finished my first day at school. I left the school at with new experience and cheerful mind. I shall never forget the day as long as I live.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Type of performance appraisals

Type of performance appraisals Introduction The function of performance appraisal is to provide feedback on performance of employees during evaluation. Feedback is valuable to both the employees being appraised as well as the management of the company. Some of the most critical resolutions of an organization, including transfers, salary reviews, firing of employees and promotions, depend on the way the employees perform in their jobs. Organizational resources allocations are also based on performance appraisal.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Type of performance appraisals specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As such, an ideal assessment format enhances organizational development, analysis and flow of communication. This report discusses three performance appraisal formats, including, self-assessment, 360-degree feedback and management by objective. Also, discussed are the advantages and disadvantages of these performance appraisal formats. The 360-de gree feedback method The 360-degree feedback provides a very ideal way of assessing the employee’s strengths and weaknesses. Its main aim is to help the employees improve on their performance. According to Edwards and Ewin, feedback from multiple and respected sources such as superiors, peers and subordinates tend to have more impact on people than a single source (215). Many employees view performance information, from this approach, as fair, credible, accurate and motivating. Employees are likely to be motivated to change their habits to reach the standards of their co-workers than comply with what is imposed by their seniors (Edwards and Ewin 216). In industrial psychology and Human Resources, 360-degree feedback is a feedback system that originates from the employee’s closest workmates. It is sometimes referred to as multisource assessment, multisource feedback or multi-rater feedback. This feedback relies on superiors, peers and subordinates, who help in issuing d irect information regarding the employees’ performance. In some situations, this can be concerned with feedback from vendors, customer and other parties that are involved in an organization. A 360-degree response is different from an upward response, which involves strict use of reports, or the conventional performance assessment where only the managers and supervisors are charged with assessment of employees’ performance. The supervisor-only performance appraisal relies on the supervisor’s judgment and, therefore, it is subjective. They consume a lot of time, and they are disliked by those giving and receiving them. They are done once a year and they assess the employee’s performance and give the management the information it needs when promoting or increasing payment for the hardworking employees (Edwards and Ewen 253).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Le arn More 360-degree Feedback system also helps improve the quality of employees and performance measures by using multi-raters, hence providing a more comprehensive and balanced view. According to Edwards and Ewen, the information provided is more credible, valid and reliable since the sources interact frequently with the employee while at work (213). Single source appraisals do not give accurate information; they tend to give inflated evaluations that give every employer a high performance rating. This results into an environment where employees feel that they are entitled for promotions or salary increase without giving them the much-needed information for growth and development. This creates a tense atmosphere, between managers and the employees, since the managers find it hard to provide critical and specific feedback. The 360-degree appraisal (or multisource assessment or full circle feedback) collects information from close workmates of the employee under evaluation, r egardless of the position. The intelligence that these people disclose helps in determining the strengths of the employee and areas that need improvement (Edwards and Ewen 250). Different researches (Rao 125) reveal that the 360-degree feedback system helps in the development and improvement of employees since it helps them know the perspective of their performance. According to a five-year study (Walker and Smith 26), it was found that there was no improvement in the ratings between the first and second years, but higher scores were realized between the second, third and fourth years. According to Edwards and Ewen, the employee performance increased between the first and the second year and administrators kept this improvement two years later (215). Advantages of 360-degree appraisal The main advantage of a 360-degree feedback is that it provides a comprehensive view of an employee’s performance. In addition to providing feedback from various viewpoints, it helps minimize th e biases inherent in evaluations. Many appraisers are likely to cancel out the various biases of different raters, and their different perspectives combines to give a more accurate, complete and honest picture. The feedback that cuts across multiple aspects individually assists the employees decide whether their performance appraisal is done consistently. Individuals are able to acquire information on how other workmates thinks of them.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Type of performance appraisals specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Research shows that some employees do not like managers who analyze them when they do not directly interact with them. The employees can also be helped to agree to information through acquisition of direct information from colleagues and customers – this should be done anonymously to make sure no one is victimized. Disadvantage of 360-degree appraisal One notable disadvantage of 360 -degree feedback system is that employees find it difficult and uncomfortable to offer honest feedback to their managers. This can also happen between employee-employee evaluations. To avoid criticism and retaliations, the system should not reveal the names of the contributors – this will also encourage employees to provide information without fear of victimization. However, a question comes to mind. Since different raters observe different behaviors, what is the basis upon which these ratings are observed? It has been found that subordinate can easily witness various characters of their seniors, as opposed to the colleagues at the same level with them. In addition, various clients are able to understand the employees that serve them. It is, however, difficult to give consistent, positive and negative information on an employee despite the gain of the insights of the perceptions of the employee. Management by Objectives (MBO) MBO is a modern method of performance appraisal. T his method requires an agreement between the employees and managers on specific objectives within a deadline. For instance, a company may instruct a sales manager to increase his taxes by 25 percent within a period of 3 months. Once the goal is set, it is now up to the sales manager to plan how to achieve the objective. This technique helps identify success or failure much easier. Management by objectives (MBO) system helps the management set achievable goals. It also helps the management achieve the best results from the available resources. MBO aligns objectives and subordinates objectives to the firm; therefore, it helps enhance the organizational performance. According to Ducker, MOB operates if the objectives are known for 90% of the period not known. However, many critics argue that Peter Ducker’s MBO concepts are hard to implement. Nevertheless, when every employee understands and comprehends the aims of an organization, then their development and effectiveness will be helpful in attaining the goals that the management seeks. Advantages of MBO If the employees can be able to meet the set goals or even exceed them, then they are considered to have performed acceptably well (Rao 125). Management by objective format provides that the performance of an employee is noticeable; however, the behavior of those employees can only be deduced.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This observation result from the fact that this approach assumes that it is extremely difficult to break down the components that shape the employees’ performance. This method provides that the aspects of employees’ performance should not be differentiated. Alternatively, harmonization of the different aspects is recommended, so that the behaviors of the employees can be observed more effectively and directly. MBO principle involves all the personnel at all levels in framing the objectives of the organization. They are delegated with certain powers and freedom, and then made to involve themselves toward achieving the objectives of the company. Ducker points out that involvement towards a common goal as an enterprise is build by true and committed team that wields individual’s efforts towards a common effort. Their contributions may differ, but they should all be pointing to one direction; achieving the goal of the organization (Dannemiller 214). The efforts of t he employees should all be directed towards one direction and their contribution must come together to produce a complete goal, without gaps, fiction or unnecessary duplication of efforts. According to Peter Ducker, the possibility of managers to control their performance is one of the greatest advantages of an MBO approach (Dannemiller 214). Self-control helps motivate the employees, hence making them desire to do the best. This helps widen the vision and paves way for high performance objectives. Self-control motivates the managers to act, not because somebody demands or talks into doing it, but because the objectives of the organization demands it. The manager acts, not because somebody demands or requires him to, but because he decides to act, as a free man. Disadvantages of MBO Since there is an assumption that the behaviors and performance of the employees can be successfully measured by management by objective format, there are some challenges that arise. Management by object ive performance appraisal motivates the employees since they are accorded some autonomy, and they feel that they have contributed towards achievement of the organizational goals. Nonetheless, this scenario could cause unworkable prospects regarding what is achievable. The employees together with the managers should be able to check practicability of different situations when applying management by objective. Nonetheless, this is a source of flaw because it is clear that, currently, firms should uphold high level of flexibility so they can endure their challenges. However, flexibility leads to loss of clarity. Failure of performance can also be experienced when flexible objectives are circumvented. Employee Self-Assessment In employee self-assessment approach, employees are given the opportunity to evaluate themselves. In this system, both employees and the managers receive forms that contain the performance standards. The performance standards in question are the levels of training, job proficiency, written communication, development efforts and other interpersonal skills. Since both the evaluation forms are similar, both the manager and the employee address them line by line. In case a substantial difference appears between the employee’s self-assessment and the manager’s assessment, they both discuss the reason for the difference. The employer and manager eventually agree on a common overall evaluation, which is used to determine salary or wage increase. Self-assessment helps the employees think and give critical considerations about their performance in meeting their performance expectations. Supervisors and managers have recently shunned away from providing employees the opportunity to conduct their self-assessment for the PAMP (Performance Assessment and Management Process). These individual assessment methods allow employees to give important feedback and involve them actively in the final performance review session. Whether the manager and the employee agree or not, regarding the performance, self-assessment opens channels of communication that lead to a successful PAMP outcome. Advantages of self-assessment Self-assessment ensures that the employees are actively involved in the assessment process – this also means that they have an active role to play in the course of assessing their performance. As such, employees are able to monitor their own performance as opposed to merely receiving feedbacks from their seniors. This kind of empowerment gives them an opportunity to become more engaged in both the review process and their performance generally. This approach gives the mangers an opportunity to understand their employees in a wider view, hence having a better position to improve their perception and performance. However, depending on how close managers are to the employees, it is always challenging to comprehend the factors that affect the employee’s performance. Self-assessment helps managers to vie w performance in their own perspectives and get the employees’ side of assessment. It also helps the manager realize the strengths and weaknesses of different employees and their respective training needs. Since managers and employees cannot have the same impression on the employees performance, employee self-assessment helps to avoid differences in perceptions before the review meeting is convened. There is a lot of information that the managers do not know, and it will be damaging if the employees speak out the differences in a performance review meeting. At times, managers have very different information that affects employee ratings and; therefore, it will be unfair to judge them using that information only. Furthermore, this method helps in pointing out the variations that are not easily observable, therefore, according the managers an opportunity to plan for their review congregations. It also ensures fair performance ratings and fruitful discussion. Self-assessment app raisal also promotes more effective discussions about priorities, performance, challenges and other factors affecting the employees. Research shows that when a subject touches or affects people, they tend to provide their side of the bargain and then listen to opinions from others (Dannemiller 250). With this technique, the employees can assess their own back ground information and performance, and then sit back and wait to hear the opinion of their managers. One tool, which determines the effectiveness of management, is the way the employees and the managers conduct their discussions. A two-way communication; that is, between the employees and their managers is an evidence that issues such as performance, challenges and priorities can be discussed and resolved amicably. The two-way discussion can be enhanced by a performance management plan, which tries to evade domination by the mangers during the evaluations this could put off the employees. It also inculcates a culture of a two -way communication in the entire organization, hence making it more successful. Disadvantages of Self-assessment Self-assessment appraisal is subjective and hence limited. Although the method helps the employees to assess their own performance, usually, the accuracy and effectiveness of this assessment is hampered by personal bias, communication breakdown, and self-perception. Employee self-assessment also tends to bring the aspect of non-accountability to employees. After the assessment is over, employees often find limited motivation for change. Nevertheless, involvement of other parties in this process could inculcate accountability because the employees will be compelled to act in a certain manner. Although the extrinsic motivational methods influence the employees’ performance, they cannot be relied upon to produce long-term goals. This is partly because they are bound to transform with the adjustments in the operating environment. Also, they do not provide an environmen t of sharing ideas through teamwork as each person competes to be the best individually rather than as an organization. Conclusion Some of the most important resolutions of an organization, such as transfers, salary reviews, firing of employees and promotions, depend on the way the employees perform in their jobs. MBO method requires an agreement between the employees and managers on specific objectives within a deadline. The 360-degree feedback provides a very ideal way of assessing the employee’s strengths and weaknesses. In employee self-assessment approach, employees are given the opportunity to evaluate themselves. Organizational resources allocations are also based on performance appraisal. As such, an ideal assessment format enhances organizational development, analysis and flow of communication. The three methods of performance appraisal discussed in this report have been found to be very essential, not only to help managers execute their duties, but also for employee s’ assessment and motivation Dannemiller, Kathleen. Management by objectives (MBO) in student services. Michigan: University of Michigan, 1960. Print. Edwards, Borman and Jade Ewen. 360-Degree Feedback: The Powerful New  model For Assessment And Performance Improvement. New York: AMACOM, 1996. Print. Rao, Raju. 360 Degree Feedback and Performance Management System. New York: Excel Books, 2009. Print. Walker, Dimmock and John Smither. â€Å"A five-year study of upward feedback†, what managers do with their results matters? Personnel Psychology 52.2 (1999): 393–423.Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Theme of Sexuality in Their Eyes Were Watching God Research Paper

The Theme of Sexuality in Their Eyes Were Watching God - Research Paper Example novel, and Hurston describes it in the context of slavery to show that it was a regular and repeated aspect of the black woman’s experience in slavery, and occurred in the early formative age of adulthood in the place of a woman’s education. The relation of racist authority to rape in the narrative is that Janie’s father and grandfather are both portrayed as white, and the educational system is equated in lineage with the system of slave ownership. This is a fundamental social and political critique that is introduced through the common dialect of the Southern woman and related through her personal sexual experience. The historical base is expressed by Zora Neale Hurston through sexual relationships, and this interracial sexuality is paradoxical, integral, and structural in her writing throughout the novel. In this context of repression, Hurston presents only a brief glimpse of the hope for genuine love in youth, which is quickly replaced with a black folk tradition that is portrayed as repressive to womanhood in a manner equally to be resisted and run away from as slavery. The repression of family tradition is portrayed through forced marriage, which implied another type of rape and forced servitude of the woman. Janie’s compromise is to arrange a marriage on her own terms that supports her own self materially on her own terms, even if she has to leave everything she knows to do so. Thus she provides for her needs while giving herself a limited economic role in the society at large through her husband’s business. When this ends early through the death of Joe Starks, Janie has the ability to choose any man in her society from a position of independent stature. Rather than the professor or tycoon, Hurston presents Tea Cake as a model of the black male with whom Janie most identifies. Their love also accelerates into death, but in this instance it is from the increased slow burn of passions, rather than their extinguishment. In the end, the gossip of black