Friday, December 27, 2019

Descriptive Essay My Relief - 1504 Words

To my relief, they return to their conversation in Italian, liberating me from further embarrassment. I ve never been one to comfortably receive or accept compliments, and that s not about to change anytime soon. To entertain myself for the duration of their private discussion, I engage silently into other people’s conversations and interactions. After observing Clyde flirt with girl after girl at the bar, all the while, Derrick watches with envious eyes, I draw my attention to Mary, who stands in the corner having a ‘break’ with her tongue down some guy’s throat. Nice Mary. I avert my eyes in disgust. A new couple enters the club gaining all my attention. Though their faces are hidden, their demeanour speaks to me, reminding me of a†¦show more content†¦I take deep, relieving breaths, convincing my body to relax. â€Å"It s not them,† I say as I turn away from them to rest my head against Angelo s chest. â€Å"Even so, look how they re dressed, I don’t want them in here. Frankie, go deal with them.† Once Frankie departs, all the energy I previously stored, melts away, causing my body to sway. I m grateful Angelo holds me in his arms, supporting me. Consequently, his arms tighten as he cradles me. â€Å"Want to tell me who you thought they were?† he asks. â€Å"No.† â€Å"Want to sit down?† â€Å"Yes, please.† With me nestled within his arms, he leads me to his usual table. Only then does he release me long enough for us to slide onto the sofa. After sealing the gap between us, he slides his arm around my shoulders to envelope me in his embrace. A warmth radiates through my body as I begin to relax; I know he will protect me. â€Å"Want a drink?† he asks, shifting in his seat. I reach out to clasp hold of his arm. â€Å"Wait, please don t go. Not yet.† â€Å"They really shook you up, didn t they?† I refuse to answer, but keep my fearful stare trained on him. He draws me in tighter, wrapping his other arm around me like a protective shield, allowing me to rest my head against his chest and listen to his rhythmic heartbeat. Alice said, Angelo doesn t care for women s feelings, yet he cares for mine right now.Show MoreRelatedThe Task Of Composing A Descriptive Essay1310 Words   |  6 PagesRecently, my Composition I teacher assigned the class the task of composing a descriptive essay. This led me to the question, â€Å"what is a descriptive essay?† What topic could I possible write about for three whole pages? What have I done, seen, or experience that could fill these three long pages? My life thus far has been quite sheltered, so this has created quite the dilemma for me. Being that I am supposed to be descriptive, I feel the need to describe the stress that this has created for me. 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